
Total Amount: 16,000,000,000

  • LP Pool: 1,000,000,000

  • Mint Pool: 5,000,000,000

  • Share Pool: 10,000,000,000

👬 Share Pool

All the token in share pool will be used as an incentive for sosotribe, including Chat to Earn Chat/Invite to Earn,Invite to Earn and Share to Multiply Share to Multiply Tokens 2 to 5x

The incentive will come to an end once all tokens in the share pool are distributed

The incentive will also come to an end once the mint pool is fully minted

💰 Mint Pool

You can mint MFC directly

The price of the MFC token

price(USDT) = 0.0001 + 0.00000000000005 x

Each account can mint from a minimum of 1 token to a maximum of 1,000,000 tokens, the mint quantity must be an integer

At the first mint, the first token is $0.00010000000005. After that, each token is incremented by 0.00000000000005

The price of the 5,000,000,000th MFC token would be $0.00035

Once the mint pool is fully minted

$350,000 and the 1,000,000,000 MFC in 🪙 LP Pool will be used as the initial liquidity

The remaining will be used to

  • buy-back MFC on CEX/DEX

  • buy tribe shares and distribute to share holders

After minting, the token will be sent directly to the user wallet

Before the mint pool is fully minted, the MFC can only be sent to wallet in the sosotribe ecosystem, any transfer will be recognized as a Share to Multiply action

After the mint pool is fully minted, the MFC token can be transferred to any other wallet

You need to activate a tribe account to mint 🛖 Create Tribe

Contract Code

Last updated