As a tribe owner, I don't want people outside my group to message me if they somehow get my username

You can remove your username in telegram

People who buy your share can chat in the group or dm you, but no one can leak your username outside

How to buy or sell LUA?

You can always buy and sell $LUA in Lumi Finance (https://app.lumi.finance/)

Just remember to login in with the same wallet account in sosotribe

You can also easily swap $LUA in sosotribe bot wallet section

How to make the Rose allow users to send messages with bot commands?

If you've got the Rose bot as an admin in your group, by default, users can't send inline messages with bot commands.

But your can make an exception, simply type in your group( as a admin ):

/allowlist @sosotribe_bot

If you're not the admin of the group, you can ask the admin to run this exception

For a deeper dive into the setup, check out the official documentation right here 👉 https://missrose.org/docs/anti-spam/locks/#allowlisting-certain-locktypes

Last updated