🎟️ Earning Soso Points

Coming Soon

Soso Point is one of the most important mechanic in SosoTribe After Token Fair Launch

What is Soso Point?

Soso point a proof of the contribute to the ecosystem

It's NOT just another point system for airdrop

The 🏦 National Tribe Treasury is the prize pool for point incentive

Users can earn points based on some activities on SosoTribe or on integrated Dapps

Soso points are ERC-20 Tokens

  • You can earn in the ecosystem

  • You can buy from others

As a tribe member, you can choose to contribute points(either you earn them or buy them) to your tribe or sell points to others

Once you contribute points to tribe(1 point = 1 tribe power), it can not revert

Once the 🏦 National Tribe Treasuryshare the prize in an epoch, all the points in the tribe(tribe power) will be burn, points remaining in your wallet are still there

How to earn soso points?

In SosoTribe

  • 1 valid invitation = 10 soso points

  • some trading activities (TBD)

In DApps

The first integrated dapp in sosotribe: Lumiterra

10 LUAG points = 1 soso point

Check out the Lumiterra Airdrop Campaign to learn more

The upcoming integrated dapps will be announced in our twitter

Since SosoTribe is a open socialfi protocol

We're open to all dapps to integrate 🔌

Check out the 👷‍♂️ The Socialfi "Lego"

Last updated