Share to Multiply Tokens 2 to 5x

Share to Thrive

Earning tokens is easy, either by minting, chatting or inviting

But sharing(send tokens to others) makes your earning times up to 5 times


🤩 Recipient:

  • Must have a Tribe account

  • Operates within the Tg bot ( @sosotribe_bot )

  • Tribe has not previously received Token gifts, once a tribe has been received token, this tribe are ineligible for further gifting, but sharing newly minted tokens to others is always available

    • You'll see whether the tribe is available for you to share to multiply in tribe detail info

🪙 Token:

  • Tokens that have already been shared (i.e., tokens gifted by others) cannot be shared again

🧰 Multiplication Function:

  • token_get = share_token * (1 + 0.1 * Max(1, my tribe member - 2) + 0.2 * Max(1, his tribe member - 2))

The maximum multiplier is 5

Based on the 🎰 Auto Buy in creating tribe features, each newly created tribe will have at least 2 or 3 members


I mint 100 MFC and earn 100 MFC from chat to earn, I share to my friend(with a tribe account)

My tribe has 8 members, my friend's tribe has 3 member

I share 200 MFC to my friend

Finally, I get 200 * (1 + 0.1 * 6 + 0.2 * 1) = 360 MFC, my friend gets 200 MFC

once my friend earn MFC in his way like minting, he can share what he earned to others

You can find new tribe in discover section and see whether it has been gifted MFC yet

Last updated